There’s really no appropriate introduction for this, except to say that, for funsies, I decided to create a few bumper stickers. You know, things I would put on my car, were I not afraid of getting mowed down by some irate stranger.
By the way, if you are easily offended or sensitive or believe some things are sacred and should just not be made fun of openly on the internet, I suggest you skip this post. No really. I warned you…I’ll give you a chance to think about it…
Still here?
Good. I knew you’d stay.
That’s why we’re friends.
Okay seriously. Should we print one of these?
Tuesday, 20 September, 2011 at 18:25please actually make these. i will put them on my car. especially ‘ i breastfeed in public to make you uncomfortable’ and the ‘go organic’ one. LOL
not blessed mama
Tuesday, 20 September, 2011 at 18:30i’ll take one of each, please. and 2 of the “stop being a dick” one.
Tuesday, 20 September, 2011 at 18:31You are my new hero. Again.
Tuesday, 20 September, 2011 at 18:39*want*
Brandon - Daddy Dialogues
Tuesday, 20 September, 2011 at 18:47These made me chortle. Especially the random acts of kindness one. I don’t put bumper stickers on my car, but I may reconsider for one of these.
Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust
Tuesday, 20 September, 2011 at 19:00Love Love Love this! I really enjoyed the Jesus one and the Organic one. š
Tuesday, 20 September, 2011 at 19:21Awesome! Love ’em!
Tuesday, 20 September, 2011 at 19:24Ha! I think you missed your calling.
Tuesday, 20 September, 2011 at 21:41Ha!
Tuesday, 20 September, 2011 at 22:47I just love the word “dick”. Gawd I want that bumper sticker.
Car stickers
Tuesday, 20 September, 2011 at 22:48They are quite humorous lol the breastfeed in public was something giving a message in addition to being funny.
Lynsey Summers
Tuesday, 20 September, 2011 at 23:01Deffo one of the Too Tired one’s for me please š Pure genius, yet again!
Tuesday, 20 September, 2011 at 23:47I’m not sure where I’d actually put it, but I LOVE the one about not judging. Love.
No, really. Love.
Wednesday, 21 September, 2011 at 5:10I would so buy them…. esp the kids, the organic, and the breastfeeding one. It sounds hokey but thanks for keeping me sane- your blog is reminding me to take a breath and there are other people like me in the world.
Wednesday, 21 September, 2011 at 5:30there are a few that i would buy!! can you make them, for real?????
Kateri Von Steal
Wednesday, 21 September, 2011 at 5:42EXCELLENT!
Sharing this with everyone at work.
and tagging your post in mine BECAUSE IT MADE MY FRIGGIN DAY!
Wednesday, 21 September, 2011 at 9:59yes please, i want these! specifically the afterlife one.
Wednesday, 21 September, 2011 at 12:09I love the recycling one and the vegan one reminded me of “Save a cow, eat a vegetarian.”
Wednesday, 21 September, 2011 at 19:17Those are awesome. I want one of each too!
Amanda | OneMommysThoughts
Thursday, 22 September, 2011 at 13:11I agree that you should definitely make these! I don’t even like bumper stickers but these are great. Better yet…maybe you should turn these into badges and offer them up as freebies (or not) on your site? My personal fav is the breastfeeding on. Classic and all too true!
Thursday, 22 September, 2011 at 13:19Just one? I repeat, JUST ONE?! This is your new career. Think Field of Dreams, you know the “if you build it they will come”* stuff. If you make them we will buy them.
*if you haven’t seen it, don’t bother. I’m IA grown so it was kinda mandatory state pride stuff.
Sunday, 25 September, 2011 at 16:24Please, make them all.
Tuesday, 27 September, 2011 at 7:27These are AWESOME.
Tuesday, 27 September, 2011 at 8:56Really, you SHOULD make these. I would buy them. I particularly like the “go organic” one (that one made me laugh out loud)!
Cheryl @ That's What Che Said
Friday, 30 September, 2011 at 11:33YES! Print these! They are awesome! I want to be friends in real life!!!
Saturday, 1 October, 2011 at 21:15Holy crud woman, you are so dang funny. LOVE the organic one and I MUST have the breastfeeding one as well!!! Only, you have to make a really special one for those of us who breastfeed our kids well into their freshman year of college (And what did YOU do for spring break Jonah?). I am already starting to get looks… you know… LOOKS, because, you know, he’s one now, and like, my milk suddenly went from being beneficial to slightly poisonous and likely to make him a social deviant. Oh, yeah, and there is also that creepy semi-sexual overtone to it all.
Geez. Guess I had better go be a mother now, Jonah is playing in the toilet with Guy’s toothbrush (Better his than mine…).
Thursday, 6 October, 2011 at 23:27I totally relate to the recycling one but I just don’t want people to know I don’t actually recycle yet. Because I have to sort. I have to buy bins to sort. I have to buy special bins for each sorted item. Then I have to find a special place for all these sorted bins. Then I actually have to sort things and even worse, teach my whole FAMILY to sort all these things or the whole idea is pointless! Did I mention I have FOUR BOYS not including my husband? Once the sorted bins are full…then what?? SIGH! I think I need that bumper sticker after all…
Wednesday, 13 February, 2013 at 10:33Do you ship to Europe?
Elizabeth Bowen
Sunday, 3 November, 2013 at 0:45I’ll take a couple of the ones about random acts of kindness and the one about too tired to give a shit.
I’d totally go out and get drinks or coffee with you…. but I’d much rather come over and do your laundry for you or clean out your fridge or something one day. Because I believe you’d appreciate that more.
Friday, 24 January, 2014 at 7:39Love these!!!!