What I learned this week…
- I hate most toys. Especially the ones that GROW. You know, like the bugs and animals and other crap. The little people somehow acquired a new, previously unknown version of grow toy, in the form of marbles. Holy shit they are annoying.
- The makers of such toys must hate humanity. I bet they laugh to themselves as they send them out into the world, “Ha ha ha! [insert evil chuckle], tiny hard balls that grown into slightly larger squishy balls, serving no purpose whatsoever, offering no entertainment value, existing in fact only to create messes and drive parents batshit crazy! Yay!”
- My dad is quite the minimalist. He pretty much keeps nothing. I used to be confused by this. I am no longer confused by this. I have begun throwing things away behind everybody’s backs. I don’t feel bad about it. If they really cared about these items, they wouldn’t be abandoned on my living room floor. Or my car. Or the backyard. Damnit.
- Does anybody else talk to drivers in other cars as if they can hear you? You know, like if they pull out in front of you and you respond “Really? Dude. What the hell? My car’s full of kids you royal assface. Why you gotta hate?”
- So my house is mostly more in order. My mom came over today and once again saved my bottom. (Sometimes without warning I feel compelled to insert non-potty mouth substitutions for swear words. When I’m really feeling frisky I’ll use “Fudge!” or “Frick!” Yeah it’s nonstop action around here.)
- Anyway, I must say the room looks really, really nice. It’s bright and airy and clean and we even put in crown moulding – which is totally a big deal. And we didn’t do the “okay we’re bored now” half-assed job we normally do. We did things right.
- Except for the planning part. But let’s not get crazy.
- I’m having a really hard time not talking shit about some of the stuff I read on other blogs. Some blogs (like this one or this one or this one) are good and interesting and not judgmental or pretentious or preachy. But there are others. And I want to rip them new ones. But for the moment I’m restraining myself. While I can’t imagine those kinds of bloggers ever reading Renegade Mothering, there is a vague possibility the person in question might read my shit-talking, and then I’d be the mean kid and who wants that?
- But damn it would be so fun. SO FUN. And I really really want to. (can you hear it “Mama, puh-lease? Just this once?!”) It just seems like such a plunge, you know – headfirst into cross-blog shit-talking? I don’t know if I have the energy for that. Of course, if somebody did call me out on it, I guess I could just say “Stop writing stupid judgmental shit on your blog and I’ll stop making fun of you.”
- Plus, when I see this stuff, I only read the blog once (why would I return for such agony?), so at least I’d only make fun of each blogger once, which significantly lowers the chances of their seeing it, right? And what’s the worst that can happen? I piss off strangers? Wouldn’t be the first time. Hmmmm…
Oh right. And since you’re here, please vote for me again. Puh-lease? (There’s a link on the left.) Thanks people, and have a great week.