Write With Me
Upcoming In-Person Retreats:
Samos, Greece
“9 Nights for 9 Muses“: October 7-16, 2025, a craft-focused retreat for writers with a current work in progress. SOLD OUT.
“Our Work & Our Muses“: October 22-28, 2025, a process and exploratory writing retreat for writers of all levels and at all stages of writing
New for 2025: Online weekly writing group
Write with me every Wednesday.
You may be surprised how effective this group is, how much you can get done in an hour a week, and how successfully it keeps you focused on writing.
From Memory to Memoir:
March 30 – May 4, 2025
Sunday workshops online at 9am-10:15am PST/12pm-1:15pm EST
A six-week online workshop for the person ready to write a memoir, or the one with a shitty draft abandoned in a desk drawer. We will discuss everything from narrative arc to dialogue to writing about other people in a way that won’t make them hate you. This workshop involves weekly direct feedback on your writing and offers tiered support, including a whole-manuscript review.
Write Anyway:
Summer dates TBD
Write Anyway is a six-week workshop designed for the writer who feels blocked or bored by their writing, or wants to get back into writing after a month or 10-year hiatus. We discuss how to write in spite of fear, perfectionism, and the ever-looming sense of not being a “real” writer. We discuss how to tell the difference between useless and valuable feedback, how to justify writing as a priority even if you don’t “make money” at it, and so much more.
2025 Coaching & Workshop Series
I’ve decided to take a break in 2025 from the monthly workshop series I offered the past two years. I need to focus on my new Substack and that damn second book draft. However, if you’d like to work together on a 1:1 basis, or if you’d like to join my weekly online writers’ room, you can check them out here.
Renegade Writers’ Group:
Spring/Early summer 2025 dates announced in early 2025
Renegade Writers’ Group is a 6-week writing-intensive created for the person ready to draft a manuscript. Have an idea for a book? Essays? Collection of poetry or short stories? Then join us. This group will hold you accountable and “turn you into a writer.” Seriously. That’s the piece of feedback I receive most often from people who have completed this workshop.
As You See It: Writing Personal Essays
Summer 2025 dates announced soon
A 6-week online workshop on writing personal essays and blog posts. Humor, satire, opinion, narrative, long-form. Whatever your thing, this workshop will get you started and improve your craft. We’ll discuss how to establish a viewpoint and voice, explore a theme through real-life experiences, revise and edit, then pitch your work to a publication or into the world via the strange and terrifying land of social media.
Book Proposal Workshop:
2025 Dates TBA
Note: This workshop will be better than what I named it.
An intimate, work-focused month-long intensive designed for the writer ready to create a book proposal. We will not, of course, draft the entire thing in four 2-hour sessions, but you will leave with a workshopped chapter outline and/or book overview, clarity on the other main sections of a proposal, and notes for how each of those sections can look for you. Limited to 8 people. Feedback from me and the other writers in the group. Join us.
COMING SOON: Advanced Memoir
If you have taken my “From Memory to Memoir” workshop, or if you have a full draft ready for holistic revision, let’s talk. To begin, I will read 50 pages of your memoir and we’ll have a 1:1 discussion about it. In the weekly workshops we will discuss elements of memoir writing and craft in depth, bringing in theoretical discussions of storytelling, writing, and authorial choices, and individual feedback. This workshop involves weekly direct feedback on your writing and offers tiered support, including a whole-manuscript review.
Upcoming In-Person Retreats:
Samos, Greece
“9 Nights for 9 Muses“: October 7-16, 2025, a craft-focused retreat for writers with a current work in progress. SOLD OUT.
“Our Work & Our Muses“: October 22-28, 2025, a process and exploratory writing retreat for writers of all levels and at all stages of writing
New York:
Canceled due to death in my family, but I’m leaving it here so you can check it out. It will be rescheduled for 2024!: August 27-September 1, 2023: “Renegade Writing” at the OMEGA Institute in Rhinebeck, NY
Past Retreats (FYI so you can see what I do/catch my vibe–I swear I don’t often say things like “catch my vibe”). Click on the headers to learn more about the retreats.
Southern France, October 1-7, 2024: “The Incorrigible Disturber of Peace“: A craft-focused retreat for writers with a current work in progress.
Southern France, October 22-28, 2024: “A Room of One’s Own“: A process and exploratory writing retreat for writers of all levels and at all stages of writing.
September 17-23, 2023: “The Role of the Artist: A Writing Retreat with Janelle Hanchett” in Tuscany, Italy
“Seriously Funny: The Magic of Humour in Storytelling” with Lisa Rosenberg, Cortes Island, British Columbia
June 11-16, 2023
Lleida, Spain – July 2022
“When Artists Go To Work,” a retreat with Kathryn Hohlwein, Laura Hohlwein, Daniel Schoorl, Patrick Grizzell, and Janelle Hanchett
July 3-9, 202
Heretat de Guárdia, a 15th-century farmhouse in Cataluña
Lleida, Spain
A very special 6-night retreat for writers and artists of all mediums. There will be five artists in residence: experts of their craft, my friends and mentors. Just read about it. All meals prepared by an in-house chef from locally sourced ingredients. I will help you with travel plans and everything you need.
Writers’ Retreat in Girona region, Spain
“Craft Enables Art,” a writing retreat with Janelle Hanchett
July 13-19, 2022
El Castell de Llaés, Ripollès region, province of Girona, Spain
Six nights, 3 hours of workshops a day plus set writing time, one whole day of exploration (plus trips into villages, hiking and swimming right from the house. All meals prepared by an in-house chef from locally sourced ingredients. I will help you with travel plans and everything you need.
Southern France, October 2021
Cortes Island, British Columbia
Develop a new relationship with your writing practice. Explore concrete ways to write honestly in spite of fear, show up authentically on the page, and define for yourself the power of your unique story, voice, and perspective. Oh, and laugh. There will be laughing.
Pescadero, California
4-Day Writing Retreat in Pescadero, California
Join Mac and me in Pescadero, California for a four-day writing retreat focused on craft. Set next to a redwood forest and 8 minutes from the ocean, we’ll spend five days talking craft in a yurt, hanging out by a bonfire under the stars, workshopping writing by a roaring fire, eating meals at a big table prepared by a chef, and sitting in the hot tub. Lifelong friends. Tons of craft instruction. Tons of time to write. People say this place is magical. And it is. That person is me, and everyone who has ever been.
Suggestions for another workshop? Email me and tell me what you’re looking for. I’m open to ideas. To sign up for our early notification mailing list (you’ll find out about workshops before everyone else), please fill out the form below.
Thank you for your interest, and please email me with any questions.